Art is an important form of expression. It’s also a powerful tool for the advancement and preservation of culture. NFT Art can be seen all around you, from your favorite song or movie to the way you dress in the morning. But what about art that doesn’t exist yet? What if someone needs money for their next project but they don’t have any investors lined up? Wouldn’t it be great if we could use blockchain technology to fund artists and other creators while at the same time creating something totally new: digital artwork that is owned by everyone who invests in it? That idea was recently put into action when a group called Maecenas created “the world’s first decentralized art gallery” on Ethereum, a blockchain platform that allows people to invest in digital artwork.

How it works is an investor can buy some of the digital artwork on Maecenas’ decentralized art gallery and then sell their share via cryptocurrency on a secondary market. It’s just like buying stock in Apple, for example, but instead you are investing in Picasso’s “Young Lady drawing.” This makes it possible for anyone to own a small piece of art while potentially reaping large returns. According to some estimates, this may lead to $6 billion worth of art being moved onto the blockchain by 2020.

Can I convert physical art into NFT?

The answer to this question is both Yes and No. If you took a picture of your physical art, then it can become digital in one way by turning into an image on our phones or cameras with no tangible form; however, if I ask again whether or not YOU actually converted YOUR PAST DIGITAL WORKS OF ART TO PHYSICAL SO THAT THEY COULD BE CALLED AWAY AS REAL? You might hesitate because the snapchat version doesn’t really matter anymore as far as authenticity goes-especially considering how often people alter images after being posted online (I know from experience).

The beauty of blockchain technology is that it allows for the tokenization or digital transferal, sale and display (or trading) in NFTs—non-fungible tokens. This means you can take pictures/videos from your physical artwork all throughout this lifetime without ever having to worry about losing any value because they are forever stored on an encrypted piece if data!

An example would be if someone took aa NFT picture with their phone right now then sent it off into cyberspace where not only could he have access through Google Photos but Facebook too; both these sites allow users upload images which become publicly accessible once published onto their website. However, on blockchain technology…sharing your photo with everyone is not exactly the same as sharing it on Facebook…on the blockchain you are able to have full control of YOUR data which means that if one were ever to send a tokenized version of this image into cyberspace then it would be immutable just like Bitcoin.

NFTs are more than just digital artwork though—they can represent almost anything. For example, some NFTs are even being used as ad space since they can be easily transferrable and contain information about an individual’s identity or demographic! It doesn’t matter what type of artform either–whether its paintings, movies, music, movies etc. the possibilities are endless!

Do I get the same value?

In the world of cryptocurrency, there are no boundaries. Some people might think that your physical art is valuable because it can be sold on an offline basis but other NFT collectors will not care about it at all and won’t pay much for such a piece even if you put up all efforts in selling them online or through galleries- which brings us back to my original point: What do we value more? Our own opinions aside – what works best when considering how much someone should charge their work vs whether they would enjoy owning said artwork themselves?”

I’m sure many artists have felt frustrated by this balancing act between needing money from creating something beautiful while still trying not make things too expensive since most don’t want just anyone plucking off our creations as if they’re nothing.

Whether or not you should convert physical art into NFTs is up to the artist, but it’s important to remember that the value of an artwork can be subjective. While some may see a painting as being worth millions, others may only deem it as being worth a few hundred dollars. It all comes down to what someone is willing to pay for it. Thankfully, with blockchain technology, we no longer have to rely on middlemen such as galleries and auction houses to determine the value of art. This means that artists can now sell their work directly to their fans and receive instant payments in cryptocurrencies.

How can I sell my physical art as NFT and retain high value?

The first way to increase the value of your art is by making NFT more unique. This will make people want what you’re selling because there aren’t many out on loan or in circulation and so any that find themselves with one has an opportunity for success if they know how rare this piece really was! The next step would be adding some NFT sorta-special element like Helium3 gas tubes into bottles which allow them stay inflated longer than usual – but not too much though otherwise things get messy real quick when these start popping.

One way to keep your artwork valuable is by destroying the physical copy once you’ve finished listing it. This will allow buyers a sense of ownership over their purchase and may lead them invest in higher priced items because they know there won’t be anything else available from this artist or genre for quite some time!

Shredding art might sound unpleasant, but at least with an NFT-based system no one can ever make another exact replica unless he has access both versions (the digital ones).

Categories: Non classé


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